About CIM
The Center for Imaging Medicine (CIM) at Dartmouth is one of the largest collaborative hubs for developing new imaging tools and methods. Spearheaded by faculty at Dartmouth's Thayer School of Engineering working and the Geisel School of Medicine, the Center facilitates fundamentally efforts toward clinical translation of these new imaging and therapy tools.
CIM's mission is to advance state-of-the art technologies in multi-scale sensing tools and the interpretation of images, and interventional guidance in surgery, medicine, radiology, pathology, and radiation oncology. Members create, test, and deploy new technologies in pre-clinical and clinical evaluation. The center assists in outreach to clinics at Dartmouth and around the country.
The CIM consists of a substantial biomedical engineering development laboratory, with open shared access by a number of faculty investigators, directly linked to the workspaces of collaborators in clinical pathology, surgery, radiation oncology and radiology.

CIM facilities are based on the 7th floor of the Williamson Translational Research Building at the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center and leverage resources such as: