

Scott Davis - An expert in optical molecular sensing tools for pre-clinical tissue imaging and assessing drug efficacy in vivo.  He also works on surgical guidance tools and ex vivo whole specimen fluorescence imaging. He has been involved in clinical trial work in the US as well as the UK, and maintains the project as an open source set of software tools.

Jonathan Elliott - An expert in perfusion and flow imaging systems, Professor Elliott was awarded a prestigious NIH K99 grant to start his own research program at Dartmouth, developing surgical fluorescence imaging tools to assess flow in tumors and molecular binding in different pathologies. He has been involved in both pre-clinical and clinical trials assessing contrast in brain tumors and assessing the metabolic and immunologic ways in which contrast can be generated.

Ryan Halter - A leading expert in bioelectrical impedance measurements and surgical guidance tools, Prof Halter leads a large research effort in electrical impedance for cancer diagnostics and head and neck oncological surgical imaging tools to advance guidance in complex tissue geometries.

Shudong Jiang - Expert in optoelectronics from the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Professor Jiang has been at Dartmouth since 2000. She directs a research program on near infrared tomography and spectroscopy of breast cancer as well as bone perfusion surgical studies. The projects have led to 3 distinct systems for breast cancer imaging, and clinical trials in the US and China.

Jiwon L ee - An expert in antibody repertoire profiling, systems immunology and protein engineering, he works at the interface of engineering biological systems to affect immunology and design vaccines optimized for human use.

Geoffrey Luke - An expert in ultrasound, photoacoustic imaging, and nanotechnology, Professor Luke’s work focuses on molecular imaging and therapeutic targeting of cancer.  By combining newly developed imaging algorithms with nano-scale physics and targeting of biomolecules, he aims to illuminate the tumor microenvironment with super-resolution imaging and enable remotely triggerable nanotherapeutics for image-guided drug delivery.

Keith Paulsen - With decades of experience in advanced computational methods in medicine, surgical guidance, breast cancer, and cancer imaging, Professor Paulsen has led multiple programs at Dartmouth including an NCI-funded project and installation of the Advanced Imaging Center and the Center for Surgical Innovation. His NIH-funded research leads efforts in surgical guidance and advanced algorithms development.

Brian Pogue - An expert in both medical physics and biomedical optics for medical applications of spectroscopy and imaging, Professor Pogue has lead multiple doctoral education programs at Dartmouth for the last decade and initiated research and entrepreneurship in the area of radiation therapy imaging with optical signals. He currently leads several NIH-funded efforts in molecular imaging for surgery and radiation therapy guidance.

Kimberley Samkoe - Trained in biophysical chemistry and an expert in photodynamic therapy mechanisms, Professor Samkoe has demonstrated key advances in image-guidance interpretation of therapy effects, and photodynamically activated tissue damage. The concepts of how to do quantitative molecular receptor imaging has been uniquely pioneered in her laboratory in the Department of Surgery at Geisel.

B. Stuart Trembly - A pioneer of educational and research efforts in biomedical engineering at Dartmouth for decades, he has spun of research into several start up companies, and develops therapeutic heating and sensing strategies for a range of diseased tissues and applications.  

Geisel Collaborators

Richard Barth, MD  Chief of General Surgery at Dartmouth-Hitchcock

Michael S. Chapman, MD  Chair of Dermatology at Dartmouth-Hitchcock

Roberta M. diFlorio-Alexander MD, Radiology at Dartmouth-Hitchcock

David Gladstone, ScD  Radiation Oncology at Dartmouth-Hitchcock

Eric Henderson, MD  Orthopaedics at Dartmouth-Hitchcock

Leah Gitajn MD  Orthopaedics at Dartmouth-Hitchcock

Jack Hoopes, DVM PhD  Director of the Surgical Research Laboratories at Geisel School of Medicine

Lesley Jarvis, MD PhD  Radiation Oncology at Dartmouth-Hitchcock

David Roberts, MD  Active Emeritus in Surgery & Neurosurgery at Geisel School of Medicine

Wendy Wells, MD  Chair of Pathology at Dartmouth-Hitchcock

Benjamin Williams PhD  Radiation Oncology at Dartmouth-Hitchcock